Thursday, May 25, 2017

About Eng sub is NOT opening on your device.

Hello. Everyone.

I got these comments about not opening smi files on your device.
The smi files are subtitle files so.. you need a media player program to watch it on right timing with the video.
As far as I know, if video and subtitle files named same, the player supposed to show it automatically.

I tried to combine with the video, but the sound quality went soooooo bad.
I may use a wrong program to do it, but I don't know any better ones.
(If you know any program that doesn't make sound quality reduction after combining with a subtitle, plz email me to

Since JiHoon cares a lot about his sound quality, I don't want to combine it till I know better.

So, in a meantime, I will also upload a txt file.

If you have any other problem, let me know~;)


  1. They can use VLC player it's very good you choose what file for the translation and will appear right away


18/01/15 Youtube Eng sub

Hey, girls and boys. I found out last night that my Eng sub is I'm not sure how long it was been published. so.. I'...