Sunday, June 4, 2017

Eng Sub..."A Jealous BF" "Caring a GF on a period"

Hello, Everyone~

Since he wants me to do non-adults ones.. (cuz Youtube keep shutting him down..)
Some subtitles for non-adult ones are now on Youtube~

I thought he would put the sub in the original videos,
but.. I guess he doesn't know how to and too lazy to figure it
So, he encoded with Eng sub.

Here is link to..
 "A Jealous boyfriend"

and another one
"Caring a girlfriend on a period"

You guys already have "A Drunk Girlfriend" on my previous post.
Since non-adults ones will be on Youtube, I won't make the link here to download.


If you think he's doing a good job or I am~
Support him to


  1. Did jihoon new channel for adult ASMR get removed again?? What's wrong with YouTube.. Ruining what we like :(:( :(

    1. yap. it shut down again.. he's looking for new way to go around.. but seems like not really working..:(

  2. Mind selfie~
    Sunhee C. here!
    Don't know if you remember me from way back when we were chatting in English during the Live with Emily...
    I just found you blog today and I'm so glad Jihoon has fans like you~
    A couple days ago someone brought up Sound-cloud. I was so excited because I wanted to tell him about that too, but I didn't know how to in Korean...He said he didn't know what that was and that he would do research? Do you know if Oppa has looked into that?

    1. You were being his fan THAT long and.. how dare you JUST found this blog??!!! LOL joking.. I remember you did mention Sound-cloud, and I remember I forgot about Sorry, girl. He said he will look into that last night, but I fell asleep before he finishes the streaming.. so.. IDK~:(


18/01/15 Youtube Eng sub

Hey, girls and boys. I found out last night that my Eng sub is I'm not sure how long it was been published. so.. I'...