Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hello~ Is there someone else making the Eng Sub?


I started to work on Eng subs with another fan, Sunny.
I make it at first and she revises it with the second set of eyes for my grammar flaws.

But it seems like.. someone else is making the Eng sub~
I noticed "A jealous boyfriend" has another eng sub on the original video.

And my sub for announcement is edited again after Sunny revised it,
So, Sunny had to do the grammar fix again.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not offended cuz I know my eng sub is not perfect.
I just think this is really inefficient. We should work on different videos.
And I already have Sunny who kindly edits my sub, so.. I think one editor is good enough for one sub.

Please if you read this, contact me to
So, we can choose which video each of us will work on next.

I turned off a comment available option on this post to avoid any conflicts.



18/01/15 Youtube Eng sub

Hey, girls and boys. I found out last night that my Eng sub is I'm not sure how long it was been published. so.. I'...