Sunday, May 28, 2017

Eng Sub.. "One night stand with a dominant stranger"

This is one of his most loved videos.. I LOVE it, too.
This was my first subtitle contribution to him.. cuz.. I just couldn't help
I didn't sync myself at that time. Jihoon did. No offense, Jihoon.. suck...
(hope he doesn't actually come to this blog.........O_O;;)

It's combined one.


Ji-Hoon's steaming (Korean) starts about 10 pm Korean time at.
Right now, he's on trip with his family. He will be back in a week or so.

If you think he is doing a good job, or I am.
Please donate him to


  1. hahaha .... you are so funny !!! I miss him :( I think I'm already used to listen his live stream while I was doing my things even most of the time I can't understand what he was saying haha

    1. Me, too..:( All viewers of his live stream.. are kindda addicted to his voice. I don't know if I can wait the whole week..:(


18/01/15 Youtube Eng sub

Hey, girls and boys. I found out last night that my Eng sub is I'm not sure how long it was been published. so.. I'...