Tuesday, August 1, 2017

17/08/02 this week Eng subs.

Hey, guys~

Finally, my last week subs are published~!

1. 여러분들에게 하고싶은 말..ㅎㅎ -Something that I want to say to everyone.  
THIS VID IS ERASED BY JIHOON.. :( Sorry, guys.. He felt really shy about this vid.
I hope all of you guys watched it already.

2. 아픈 여친 병문안 온 비글 남친-A planky boyfriend visiting his girlfriend in a hospital.

3. 여자친구 드라이&화장 해주기 -  Drying GF's hair & help to put make-up on.

Please leave a comment on his youtube vid for requesting Eng Sub, guys.
I'm not sure which one I have to do for this week..lol



  1. Thank you for all of your hard work !! I'm always waiting patiently for your next translation , I am helpless when it comes to korean haha <3

    1. Thank you for waiting patiently and your comment~!! :D Korean is a hard language to learn. But, it's fascinating, you might want to try it~!;)

    2. Oh believe me , I want to learn it so bad , I just don't have the time and ambition :'( By the way , are you korean by any chance ? Just curious :D

    3. Yap, I'm Korean in every chance~:D ..Just I have been lived in the U.S. long enough to be kindda ...half...lol

    4. Oh , that's cool ! English is my second language as well :D

    5. Which is your mother language, then? Just curious~:O Where are you at??

    6. Oh I am from Romania ! :D I just really like English , I have always been good at it haha


18/01/15 Youtube Eng sub

Hey, girls and boys. I found out last night that my Eng sub is published..lol I'm not sure how long it was been published. so.. I'...